...Now that's a mouth full! We interupt this HYCCT Challenge for a History Project. My daughter Sarah has a project due in November. Not one to procrastinate, we have to work on it and finish it NOW! We bought a tube of Powhatan Indians, gathered sand from the sandbox, twigs from the woods and raided some of my crafty supplies to make her interpretation of
Werewocomoco: village of the Algonquin Indian Chief Powhatan. I love that she picked Powhatan instead of the Jamestown settlers. Werewocomoco is located in my native stomping grounds of Gloucester, VA. I think Sarah did a fine job with her project. She made everything except the teepee and I was in charge of the hot glue gun. I think it looks fantastic.
She painted the box first. |
Next, she added the sand. |
She made a fence across the back of the box with sticks applied with hot glue gun. |
Viola! Fence is up. |
She made the Long House by tearing various shades of brown and tan cardstock glued to base with gluestick. |
Teepee is made with crinkled cardstock brushed with brown ink. |
She added the people with hot glue and made trees using sticks and moss. |
Sarah with her project. Awesome! |
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Sarah did an awesome job!!!! I wished I could get my kids to not procrastinate on their projects --- what is your secret?
Awesome job, Sarah! A+ for sure!
Wow, what an awesome project Sarah!! That's definitely something to be proud of! :)
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