Thursday, May 8, 2008

Target 1$ Spot Pail for Mom

Well, I am a sucker for the Target $1 spot... I sometimes go there just to look at the dollar spot stuff which is right by the front door, then head out to take care of other stuff.. I just can't help myself.... So, I found these cute little pails when my neighbor and I were out one day doing "girl-stuff!" Now Toni, my neighbor, wasn't so sure about my idea of fixing these up for Mother's Day.. and I sometimes lovingly refer to her as the "anti-craft".. 'cause she says she isn't crafty, doesn't like crafts, has no desire, yada, yada, yada.. and well, whadda ya know.. lookie, lookie at the pretty little pails we made! Yaye for Toni.. I knew she could craft! There is a craftin' diva just dying to come outta that girl! She made he sewing notions pail and will put sewing notions in for her MIL.. and I made the fru-fru one with the yummies from The Farmbasket for my dear MIL..thanks for looking... and if you see a crazy lady going nuts over the $1 Spot junk at Target, then it is problaby me!


StampMom said...

Very very cute -- any tips for wrapping the paper around? I always have problems with things that are wider on the top. I *love* the Farm Basket -- yummy stuff & great plants too!

Julia Aston said...

I do the same thing at Target!! and I even go to different ones that have different things in their $1 aisles!

Love these cute pails - what a clever idea!

Allison said...

Those are so cute - awesome for putting gifts in. I wish we had a Target here.


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